Hi readers, it has been nearly a year now since I have written a piece here.
Given the way the world is heading, people tend to become more and more comfortable by indulging themselves in the digital world. The digital space is evolving and more focused today to create a luxury life for people rather than what it used to be in before, which was on creating a better and comfort life for the people. Being social is another area where most of us stress on these days. Yes it’s important, but we should never forget to give ourselves some time. In the magic web that is spun by all these new technologies and social formalities, we have forgot an integral part of our life; Solitude.
The main misconception of solitude is that, solitude means being physically alone. It is not so. Solitude is more of being on ones own thought without getting distracted by their surroundings. Solitude is the ability or act of being in ones own thoughts either in the physical presence or absence of others.
Solitude helps in enhancing and refining ones own thought. Many well known personalities like Abraham Lincoln and those others with vital leadership roles have used solitude to cope with their day to day tasks.
Why does solitude matter?
Solitude is the one thing that helps to reflect your thoughts, analyze and think over it. It helps us to process our thoughts clearly before taking any decisions in our life. We get tired out after a long day at work or even after a 8-10 hour sleep, we feel like we are burned out. Most of us face a dilemma while we come across a challenge in our life. All these shortcomings can be easily resolved if we make time for our thoughts each day. It also helps us in improving our social relationship as it helps us fine-tune our thoughts and also our social feelings.
What interferes us from seeking solitude?
I would say the most important reason is ourselves. We procrastinate when it comes to taking time to reflect on ourselves. The present day omnipresence of being social also adds to this, with our digital devices and social media connecting us to our friends and family 24/7. We have every reason to get distracted through the smartphones we use or through the unlimited notifications that we get from various sites. We are constantly collided with so much information and the ideas of people worldwide that we have no time and mental space left for solitude.
I have largely minimized my social media and other distracting app usage for a year now and I can experience the change and I also get more time to indulge myself in other quality tasks. I am not against any social media sites as there are people who have found success in their business through that but I am sure they use it in a controlled manner. But if not used in a controlled manner we are falling a prey to it for sure.
So be sure you give yourself some quality time each day. 😊